CR Pony Parties
Petting Farms
Every Child's Dream Come True
Home of the Original
"Bunny Party"
Do Something Different For Your Party
~~ Invite Bunnies ~~
Host a Bunny Party
Can be indoors or outdoors
~~~ We Can Bring Bunnies of Many Breeds, Sizes & Colors ~~~
* Netherland Dwarf Bunnies -- The tiniest breed of rabbit
* Lop Ear Bunnies -- with cute floppy ears
* Flemish Giant -- weighing 22 pounds . . . One of the world's largest domestic breeds
Bunny Breeds Available
* Lionheads * English Angoras
* Jersey Woolies * Checkered Giants
* Fuzzy Lops * Flemish Giants
* Mini Lops * English Spots
* Holland Lops * New Zealand Whites
* English Lops * Mini Rexes
* Dutch * Dwarf Netherland & Hotot
* And Just Some Cute Bunny Rabbits of No-specific Breed
Book A Bunny Party For EASTER or For Any Occasion
The children will love it
** Easter Bunnies Delivered To Your Door by a Bunny Helper **
This way you can give them bunnies for Easter but do not have to keep them permanently
" One or Two Hours of Easter Bunny Fun"
Complete with Easter Treats / Novelty and Treats to feed the bunnies
Bunny Parties can be held indoors or outdoors
* 2 Bunnies ... 1 hour = $50
1-1/2 hours = $75
* 4 Bunnies ... 1 hour = $75 to $100
1-1/2 hours = $110 to $140
* 6 Bunnies ... 1-1/2 hours = $175 (March 15 thru October 31 only)
* 8 Bunnies ... 1-1/2 hours = price on request (March 15 thru Oct 31 Only)
2 hours = price on request
*** Travel fuel sur-charge applies depending on your location
Bunny Parties Include:
* Bunnies for petting (supervised by our own bunny handlers)
* Bunny Corral(s) & accessories
* Treats for the kids to feed the bunnies
* Balloons & special costumes and/or decorations
(upon request - additional fees apply)
* We ALSO can provide "Bunny Cupcakes"
(upon request - additional fees apply)
* Special Party Favors, etc
(upon request - additional fees apply)
All contents, rates, policies, etc on this website is subject to change without notice
CR Pony Parties & Petting Farms
2000 - 2022